.... If you use the SVN keywords to insert the document metadata, please set the svn:keywords property on the program project file .... .... If you do *not* use the SVN keywords, please remove the keyword lines in the header below, and also colophon with the URL and Id keywords at the end of the file ... # $Revision: 10479 $ # $Author: saulius $ # $Date: 2023-02-14 06:20:42 +0000 (Tue, 14 Feb 2023) $ .... the name of the program project .... ========================================= Saulius Gražulis Vilnius, 2023 CONVENTIONS =========== The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [1]. PROGRAM ======= Write a .... (programming language or runtime system) .... program that .... briefly describe the program function .... The program MUST be able to work in the currently supported Debian or compatible and Ubuntu or compatible OSes. Program name: .... Program invocation: .... PROGRAM FUNCTION ================ .... extended description of the program function .... INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ================== All arguments that are not options (i.e. do not start with the hyphen ('-') character) MUST be treated as input file names. The program MUST read all files provided on the command line and process them. If a file name is a lone hyphen ('-'), the program MUST read from STDIN when processing this file name (to specify the file that has a name consisting of the lone hyphen, prepend it with the current directory name, i.e. "./-"). The program SHOULD NOT assume that STDIN or any other file is rewindable. If the files are not provided, the program MUST read from STDIN. The program MUST write its results to STDOUT. INPUT ===== .... Input format descriptions with references .... Example: -------- OUTPUT ====== .... Output format descriptions with references .... Example: -------- OPTIONS ======= .... specification of options .... ERROR DIAGNOSTICS ================= .... specification of the error message format(s) .... The program MAY use the native .... implementation language .... diagnostics and the Perl warn() and die() subroutines where appropriate. .... information required in error messages .... Error messages SHOULD contain at least: -- the name of the program that diagnosed the error; -- the name of the file that was being processed when the error happened (if appropriate); use the "-" string (with quotation marks) or the name "STDIN" (without the quotes) if STDIN was being processed when the error happened; -- the line of the file and the character position within the line (the column) where the error was detected (if appropriate); -- a short (20–40 characters) citation of the context where the error happened (if appropriate); -- a short but informative message indicating the cause of the error and possible actions to rectify situation. Exclamatory marks SHOULD NOT be used in the messages. .... classes of diagnosed errors .... Example: -------- EXIT STATUS =========== .... specification of exist status codes .... ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== .... Specify which environment variables the program should use. Explicitly state if no environment variables influence program behaviour .... References ========== 1. S. Bradner "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, URI: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119 Colophon ======== $Id: program_project_template_EN.txt 10479 2023-02-14 06:20:42Z saulius $ $URL: file:///home/saulius/svn-repositories/paskaitos/VU/bioinformatika-III/u%C5%BEduotys-praktikai/projekto-gair%C4%97s/program_project_template_EN.txt $